The American Dream is to be a Homeowner. Many times you will hear about the financial benefits such as equity and building financial wealth. However let’s take the time to dig a little deeper and find out what money can’t buy us in terms of homeownership:A place to raise a family. This is the number one reason according to the National Association of Realtors® as to why Americans are buying homes. This speaks to Americans as a whole; a home is a safe place to start raising a family, somewhere to put down roots, and gives your family unit the cozy nest it needs to thrive. Finally, research shows that adults who consciously create homes where they find nurturance and beauty report better moods and less stressful lives.
Owning a place of your own. Homeownership gives you a sense of independence and privacy. The satisfaction of a place you can call your own truly is priceless. Being able to choose, colors, flooring and fixtures completes a house in ways you can only dream of before becoming a homeowner. There is no need to worry about hanging things on the walls or putting a quirky design feature in, the house is yours so make it your most comfortable home!
Security! With your own home you have the security of knowing that you will stay there however long you decide to. Your “rent” cannot fluctuate without your consent. On the other side of security, you could always pass down your home to provide security for your children and grandchildren as well, or sell it and use the proceeds in retirement.
Be a part of your community. When you own, and you own long-term, you get to know the neighborhood and build a sense of community. It’s easier to put down roots and invest in the people around you. Homeowners also reap the financial gains of any appreciation in the value of their home, so they also tend to spend more time and money maintaining their residences, which also contributes to the overall quality of the surrounding community.
Owning a home is so much more than the financial benefits. With a home purchase comes the pride of ownership and the sense of belonging in a community where one has a financial stake in the neighborhood. Perhaps, homeowners are “happier” just from having achieved the American Dream – a sense of accomplishment, a milestone. Also, ownership entails greater individual responsibility. Homeownership is a well-rounded event in life and can make all the difference in the world for yours!
Contact a Shorewest, REALTOR® today to accomplish your dream of homeownership! #ShorewestRealtors #ShorewestFamily #Homeownership
Tags: american dream, Community, Happiness, Homeowner, Homeownership, shorewest, shorewest family, Shorewest Realtors
Categories: Community, First Time Home Buyers, Home Buying
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